How Wazungu are Tricked into Love and Conned By Kenyan Women

Sitting at the foot of Ngong Hills, Karen, Kenya's premier high end estate still bears hangovers of old time colonial moral debauchery depicted in the movie White Mischief.
If you were to stand at Karen Connection Commercial centre, not a minute can pass before you spot an old weathered Caucasian man, who can't keep his hands off a lithe youth African beauty, his new wife.
Its only takes days for many unmarried expats to meet, fall in love and marry local women.
But all is not usually well in this seeming paradise for many love birds.
There have been tales of betrayal, ugly divorce cases, and fight over property infidelity, and sometimes, murder.
In March, last year, two foreign men, an Italian and a Polish, took a Kenyan woman to court claiming she separately obtained money fraudulently from each of them after alleging she was pregnant.
Court documents and police records allege that Lynnder Achieng Ondago deceived each of the men that she was carrying their child and later alleged to have informed them that she had miscarried.
Documents obtained from her court file number 937/013 reads that she obtained money from Polish national Tomasz Boguslaw under false pretences by lying that she was pregnant, and later miscarried, prompting the complainant to send her money for hospital bills to the tune of Sh90,000.
She again obtained another Sh60,000 from Boguslaw by again pretending she was pregnant a second time, by him, and had suffered a miscarriage.
She also allegedly obtained Sh110,000 from Italian Armeno Cosimo Modugno by lying that she was pregnant and that she had miscarried.
"When she told me that she had miscarried, I immediately sent Sh25,000 viaWestern Union to ease her pain. The next day I sent an additional Sh85,000. I was in love," alleges Armeno in his statement.
He claims he cut his holiday short and flew back to his house in Nairobi to nurse Lynnder back to health.
He alleges that he went to his house and found that Lynnder had already left, and had taken away laptops, iPads, and other electrical appliances and Sh250,000 in cash. After she was arrested, a third man in the saga, a German thought to be to be Lynnder's boyfriend (name withheld), is said to have flown to Nairobi to sort out the matter.
"You people are just jealous of my girl. I will support her as much as I can, because she is currently pregnant with my child," said the German when this writer reached him on the telephone.
He even offered to pay back all the monies spent on his supposed girlfriend and settle the matter out of court. She was released on a Sh300,000 bail which was quickly paid for by her German boyfriend.
In August last year, Danish businessman, Bo Jensen claimed 25-year- ld Joyce Wanjiku conned him Sh500,000.
"When I met her, she didn't have a house to live in. I asked her to get an apartment, I paid Sh60,000 for that house," says Jensen in an interview with The Nairobian.
"It is true, I told him I didn't have a job and within two weeks, he offered to rent an apartment for me. I felt loved; very few men can do that. We hadn't met yet, but he was already sending me money," says Wanjiku.
Jensen says he asked Wanjiku to invite her aunt to stay with her, so that she wouldn't get lonely in her new tastefully furnished apartment along Thika Road.
"A week after she moved to the new house, her aunt sent me a text saying Wanjiku was bringing other men to the house. I asked Wanjiku but she denied," says Jensen.
Jensen 'forgave' Wanjiku.
"I didn't know that my aunt, who was living in my house, was the one feeding lies to my boyfriend. When he asked me about other men, I was shocked, and I denied it because it never happened," says Wanjiku.
Between November and December, Jensen says he had been told that Wanjiku brought up to seven men who spent the night in the apartment he was paying for. Anew man every week.
"I was so angry because I had forgiven her several times but she couldn't stop bringing men to my house. I was even taking care of her sick father," says Jensen, who ended the relationship on Christmas day and demanded back more than Sh 500,000 he had spent on Wanjiku.
In December 2015, a Briton, John Thorogood, filed a complaint with the local policeand Interpol, accusing Agnes Chepkonga Webermann of defrauding him close to Sh30 million.
John, who claims to be suffering from colon cancer, also says he is in desperate need of cash to foot medical bills. The 62-year-old banker says, "I met Agnes in a bar in Amsterdam in January 2011 when I was just coming to terms with news of my cancer diagnosis. I became intimate with Chepkonga, 46, who by then posed as a real estate agent with business interests in Mombasa. I later discovered that she was a prostitute, trawling bars in Amsterdam and elsewhere in Europe, targeting vulnerable lonely old white men," claims John, a father of three grown-up children.
The Briton and Chepkonga met a few more times before the Kenyan woman allegedly convinced him to finance the construction of a rental apartment in Mombasa that would be John's source of income in retirement.
With the deal struck, "Chepkonga flew back to Kenya acquiring a piece of land within Kanamai in Mtwapa. The five-storey building was to be registered in Chepkonga's name since "laws of the country did not allow foreigners who had not stepped in Kenya to own property," John was allegedly told.
Meanwhile, John claims that, "money was sent regularly every month for construction from January 2011. Pictures, emails and her bank details will prove my financing and construction of the building," he says.
Francis Wanjohi, Coast Regional Police Commander, says, "We aware of the matter, but at the moment we cannot arrest her (Chepkonga) because the offence involves more than three countries.
- Campus Vibe

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