Urgent appeal for funds as Kenyan woman found dead in her New Jersey home

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It is with sadness we share with you heartbreaking news of the passing away of Margaret Okumu between May 22nd and June 1st 2016. The date is not certain as her neighbors suspected something was amiss when they didn’t see her for sometime and called the building management who went into the house and found her lifeless body in the bathroom.
Margaret leaves behind her son Carlton Kamau Nyamolo in Kenya and cousin Paul Thuku in Indiana.
To assist in transporting Margaret’s body to Kenya for decent burial as soon as possible friends have gotten together to support to mobilize support, prayers and finances for Margaret’s journey back to her family in Kenya for burial.
Margaret moved to the USA in 2002 in search of better live. In 2008 she gave birthto baby girl and she travelled with both her son and daughter in 2009 to visit family in Kenya. Her daughter passed on while they were visiting Kenya and Margaret returned to the USA alone and left her son with her family in Kenya.
Since her return after the loss of her baby Margaret struggled with her loss. As she was still grieving her daughter, her father suffered a heart attack and passed on unexpectedly in 2012. In 2014 she lost her job with the state of New Jersey due to work force reduction. She made efforts to address her pain and fear and joined a church in Newark in early 2016.  She continued to struggle with her pain and loss until her untimely death.
While we cannot ascertain the cause of Margaret’s death, we are asking everyone in the community to unite and help us get Margaret’s body home to a family that has already gone through so much tragedy.
We appreciate your prayers and every move you make to support us in this tragic event.
Whatever you can donate will be appreciated wholeheartedly so that Margaret’s body can get a decent burial.
We are the connecting links between Margaret and her son and family in Kenya please link up and support the effort.
There will be a fundraising event scheduled for June 10, 2016 at Christ For All Nations 218 Martin Luther King Jr.  Drive, Jersey City, NJ starting 6 -10pm. Parking is available through back entrance of church; 173 Bayview Ave.
For those unable to make it please use GoFundMe accountFurther details on othermethods to donate will be shared soon.
Galatians 6:9-10: And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of thehousehold of faith.
Thank you all, we are in this together.
For more info contact:
Zipporah Gitiha 201-920 3241
Faith Maina 201-920 7621
James Muchina 201-892 7034

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