When everyone else is succeeding except you

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Have you ever sat down on a boring afternoon scrolling through your WhatsApp contacts list and Instagram and felt hopeless. Everyone’s profile picture you see screams nothing short of happiness and success!
You compare their life with yours and it makes you feel less of a person. You end up feeling less accomplished as you think about how far you’re supposedly lagging behind your peer group.
You question your journey and your future. Your story looks hopeless. The worst part of this self-comparison is when you see people you’d consider ‘wicked’ or people with care-free attitudes looking like they’re so successful.
You consider your life and see how much you’re struggling to make it in this life. There’s pressure from all corners. Your parents expect you to be somewhere in an office working an 8-5 job, your peers keep asking what whether you got a job, everyone’s life seems to be flowing smoothly except yours.
Anyone relate?
I have been here a couple of times and I can tell you for free that those questions people ask pierce through your heart like a knife.
They make you feel like you’re doing less than you should, that you might have made the wrong life choices, that there must be something wrong with your life. Like you need to double-check your life to see if there’s somewhere you got it all wrong.
I am here to tell you the truth about success, people and their expectations and your divine destiny, purpose and calling!
First and foremost,,,
We are all on a different path.
Believe it or not, we are all different. No two people are the same. They say that even the most identical twins are not the same and that is perfectly fine!
Our interests vary, our purpose is different, and our journeys are different from each other. We might collide somewhere along the path but you stand on this earth as a single entity. Your National I.D bears your name, not your name and those of your friends.
The first step is to understand that you and your story are unique. Never compare yourself to someone else, you don’t know their story, you don’t know what it took them to get ‘there’. Focus on your journey and your life.
If you have to compare yourself, let it be to inspire  your potential.
Here are 5 cardinal rules for young adults!
1.Be patient with yourself
You might have applied for 100 jobs and not received any email yet. It doesn’t matter! “Your time will come, be patient” that’s what my mother would tell me when I wanted things that were taking long to come.
As long as you’re trying and putting your faith out there, your time will come.
2.Use what you have
This is my halleluiah point because God has been teaching me to do this. What skills do you have? What tangible things do you have that could help you in pursuing your purpose?
For example, I am a natural when it comes to writing, I have a laptop as a tool and a phone that supports WordPress. Use the available resources to push you to your dream.
3.Start where you are.
Don’t wait for the perfect time. There’s nothing like ‘perfect time’. Use what you have.
I know people who shoot YouTube videos on their phones, others are professional photographers who use their phones. Humble yourself, start where you are.
4.God has a good plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11)
It might not look like it but you have to believe it. Own it and know it. God is working behind the scenes of your life. He says the plans he has for you are good so believe Him. That’s it, that’s faith. Remember that it is impossible to please God without faith. You have to believe good things for yourself and your life.
Plus God works together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Believe it.
5.Define your purpose
Take a notebook and a pen. Have some time with yourself and evaluate who you really are to the core. Who are you? What do you love? Where would you like to work?
What interests you? What are you passionate about?
Once you have this defined, you won’t be scared when you see other people succeeding, because you know your purpose and your destiny.
Stop applying for jobs you don’t even like. Money will put food on your table but it won’t give you fulfilment. So many people live unfulfilled lives in suits and ties from 8-5 doing jobs they know they are not supposed to be doing.
Don’t let go of your dream.
The reason we compare ourselves and feel bad is because we don’t know what we want in this life. When we see other people doing well we desire to be like them. We admire that friend who is in Agribusiness, or that friend in a Humanitarian organization whereas our purpose is totally different from theirs.
So quit the fuss, stop crying and define who you are.
Chase the path that is set out for you.
Be kind to yourself and trust your beautiful journey.
It will make sense one day =)

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