Residents of Nyahururu, Nyandarua County were on Tuesday treated to a rare weather occurrence after snow was noted along the Rumuruti -Nyahururu road and the adjacent farms. A large section of the entire road, a few kilometers to Nyahururu town, was covered by snow, a sight Kenyans are not accustomed to watching.
Motorists and travelers were forced to halt their journey; just to have a closer glimpse, while others shared videos on social media.
The fact that the Equator lies along Kenya and actually passes near Nyahururu, making the vast region be classified as Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL), it beats beyond logic how snowfall occurrence was witnessed in the area.
The tip of Kenya’s largest Mountain, Mt. Kenya, and the second highest point in Africa after Mt. Kilimanjaro is the only place where snow can naturally be found in Kenya.
Normally, for snow to fall to the ground, temperatures must be cold both up in the clouds where snowflakes form and down on the ground level.
A similar occurrence was noted in Elgeyo Marakwet County on Tuesday.