Kauli hiyo imetolewa baada ya kubainika kuwa daktari huyo feki alifanikiwa kufanya upasuaji kwa wagojwa tisa ambao kati ya yao wanane walipona na mmoja ambae alikuwa mjamzito ndiye aliyepoteza maisha huku akifanikiwa kumuokoa mtoto aliyekuwemo tumboni mwa mjamzito huyo.
Daktari Feki Afanya Upasuaji Wagonjwa 9 na Kufariki Mmoja, Apewa Ofa ya Kujiendeleza Kielimu
Kauli hiyo imetolewa baada ya kubainika kuwa daktari huyo feki alifanikiwa kufanya upasuaji kwa wagojwa tisa ambao kati ya yao wanane walipona na mmoja ambae alikuwa mjamzito ndiye aliyepoteza maisha huku akifanikiwa kumuokoa mtoto aliyekuwemo tumboni mwa mjamzito huyo.
UKIMWI sasa kudhibitiwa kwa njia ya simu
Tanzania imeingia rasmi kwenye mfumo maalum wa kimataifa wa kupata huduma za afya ya UKIMWI kwa njia ya simu bila malipo mfumo ambao umefadhiliwa na nchi ya Marekani. Akizindua mfumo huo Kaimu Balozi wa Marekani nchini Bi. Virginia Blaser amesema mfumo huo utawafikia zaidi ya watu laki nane huku lengo kuu la mfumo huo likiwa ni kupunguza maambukizi ya Virusi vya Ukimwi (VVU) na Ukimwi kutoka...
Selfie ya Diamond akiwa na BOXER Yazua Balaa Mitandaoni
Diamond Platnumz amezua balaa mtandaoni baada ya Jumanne hii kupost selfie akiwa amevalia kiboxer cheusi. Kwenye picha hiyo, Diamond aliandika: Straight from the Changing room!…I think i need to go back to the gym so that i can be more flexible on m 24th Pre-XMass Parformance in Dar Es Salaam. Licha ya kufunika kwa emoji kwenye eneo la sehemu zake za siri, selfie hiyo imesababisha hisia...
RC Paul Makonda Atuhumiwa Kuwadhalilisha Watumishi wa Umma kwa Kuwaita VICHAA........Tazama Video
KAULI mbalimbali zilizotolewa na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda wakati wa ziara zake zimezua taharuki jijini humo. Kwa nyakati mbalimbali wakati wa ziara zake, Makonda anadaiwa kutoa kauli za vitisho hasa kwa watumishi wa umma. Kutokana na hali hiyo, Chama cha ACT-Wazalendo kimemshtaki mkuu huyo wa mkoa katika Tume ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma na Utawala Bora ili imuwajibishe. Katika...
Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa Kufanya Ziara Ya Kikazi Mkoani Arusha
Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania MHE. Kassim Majaliwa anatarajiwa kutembelea Jiji la Arusha kuanzia kesho tarehe 01 hadi 03/12/2016 na kukagua miradi ya maendeleo, kuongea na watumishi wa Jiji, kukutana na wafanyabiashara pamoja na kuzungumza na wananchi. Kwa mujibu wa Afisa habari wa Jiji la Arusha Nteghenjwa Hosseah, kesho tarehe 01/12/2016 Waziri mkuu MHE. KASSIMU MAJALIWA...
Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais Dkt John Pombe Joseph Magufuli akiweka saini kitabu cha wageni akiwa na Kamishna Mkuu wa Magereza John Casmir Minja kabla ya kuongea na maafisa na askari wa Jeshi la Magereza alipofanya ziara ya kustukiza katika Gereza la Ukonga jijini Dar es salaam leo Novemba 29, 2016
Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais Dkt John Pombe Joseph Magufuli akipewa muhtasarai wa kazi na Kamishna Mkuu wa Magereza John Casmir Minja kabla ya kuongea na maafisa na askari wa Jeshi la Magereza alipofanya ziara ya kustukiza katika Gereza la Ukonga jijini Dar es salaam leo Novemba 29, 2016.
Mwonekano wa Mbele wa nyumba hiyo. |
The Tanzanian Community in the USA
Mama Martha at Dulles Airport
First, we would like to thank the committee members for a job well done. Special recognition is given to our hosts members, Mama Mwimanzi, Dada Eunice, and Dada Rukia.
Second, we would like to thank the Doctors that assisted Mama Martha, especially the doctors at the Muslim community Center Medical Clinic in Silver Spring.
Third, special thanks to All Afrika Travel & logistics for transporting Mama Martha’s belongings to Dar es Salaam Tanzania, free of charge.
In summary, Mama Martha was able to undergo a successful pacemaker surgery at Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park, Maryland. We were able to contact her family back in Tanzania, and after a full recovery we were able to transport her and her belonging back to her family in Tanzania.
Again, special thanks to her friend Mama Ladonna of Minnesota for tickets and Dada Rukia for traveling with mama Martha. Most of all, thanks to everyone that contributed financially, gave of their time and prayed to ensure we were successful in our mission.
On behalf of our committee chairman, thank you to all committee members for going above and beyond during the time period Mama Martha was under our care.
The committee is officially closed. It was a pleasure working with all of the Tanzanians in the DMV and around the country. Together, we accomplished as Tanzanians!
US Ambassador to Kenya on corruption in Kenya: Stop talking, take action!
Posted by Jambo on Monday, November 28, 2016 · 0 Comments
By Ambassador Robert Godec
Kenyans have talked about corruption for years.
Kenyans know it is undermining the country’s prosperity, security, development, and even democracy. In a recent Pew Research Centre survey, 91 percent of Kenyans called government corruption a “very big problem.”
What’s needed now, however, is not talk, but serious, sustained action. The United States stands with Kenya in the fight against corruption, but the scourge will continue unless Kenyans themselves put a stop to it.
Kenyans can do it and the steps needed are clear. In July 2015, President Obama and President Kenyatta made an unprecedented pledge – the Kenya-US Joint Commitment on Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Activities in Kenya -to work together to confront this problem.
The pledge includes over 40 major actions that would help combat corruption.
The United States is fulfilling our end of this pledge. US investigators collaborated with Kenyan counterparts to create a special unit to investigate crimes involving corruption, which recently made its first arrests.
Right now, US advisors are working with Kenyan police accountability agencies to end impunity in the police services. US and Kenyan prosecutors are collaborating to share evidence on criminal cases. And, US experts have assisted Kenya to develop a mandatory ethics training program for public servants.
The US Embassy has also launched a multi-year, multi-million dollar effort to help Kenya reduce the risk of corruption in the counties, where there are reports of serious problems. We’ve funded programs to help Kenya’s customs authorities root out smuggling at the Port of Mombasa. We’ve expanded our assistance to help Kenya develop new tools to fight money laundering; deepen engagement with international anti-corruption initiatives; increase the transparency of its procurement system; and strengthen anti-corruption and whistleblower protection legislation. And, we continue to deny visas to Kenyans who are involved in corruption. In short, American support for anti-corruption efforts is broad, diverse, and sustained.
And, we’ve done it without fanfare because the United States cannot lead this fight. We cannot win it for you. There remains much more work to do, and Kenyans must do it.
The United States welcomes the steps already taken by President Kenyatta and the government. It is important to acknowledge these actions, which include removing Cabinet Secretaries and other senior officials. We also welcome the conviction of 22Kenyans since the beginning of 2016, including a former Member of Parliament, for corruption crimes. These are the first such convictions since 2012. But these steps are not enough. More is needed, and quickly.
First, officials should redouble efforts to thoroughly investigate reports of corruption, including the recent ones in the health sector. When there is evidence of corruption, those responsible must be prosecuted regardless of political party, social stature, or personal connections.
And individuals found guilty must be punished, including with jail time and forfeiting the proceeds of their crimes. With over 500corruption cases in court already, the judiciary should act swiftly to hear them and render judgments. Second, Kenyans should build strong, reliable institutions and systems that reduce the opportunities for corruption. Many specific steps are included in the Joint Commitment.
Some of these changes will not be easy, but there are no shortcuts. President Kenyatta’s recent National Summit on Governance and Accountability highlighted what investigators, prosecutors, the Attorney General, the Auditor General, the Judiciary and the government can do to be more effective. The discussion emphasised, too, that every Kenyan should refuse to pay a bribe or ask for one. Kenyans should report anyone they see engaged in crooked activity. Everyone must respect the rule of law.
Regrettably, however, too much of the public debate over corruption has involved name-calling, finger-pointing, and political bickering. Some commentators have confused the issues by looking outward and placing blame where it does not lie.
For example, some have suggested the United States is blocking a thorough investigation of the Eurobond issue. This is false. For the record: all information given to the Embassy about the Eurobond was immediately passed to the appropriate US authorities. If there is any evidence of corruption by American citizens or institutions, the US government will act.
That I promise. And, we have never denied Kenyan investigators, including the Auditor General, the opportunity to travel to the United States to carry out inquiries. We do not side with one political party or another on the issue of corruption.
My country is not perfect; we too have struggled with corruption throughout our history. But as we struggle, we strive to focus on the problem. Our answer has been to build strong institutions that ensure the rule of law. I know Kenyans can end the scourge of corruption.
The challenge is for all Kenyans to join hands and act now to make the changes everyone knows are needed.
Kesi ya Mke wa Bilionea Msuya Yaahirishwa Tena
DAR ES SALAAM: Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu leo imeahirisha kutoa uamuzi wa maombi ya Miriam Msuya aliyekuwa mke wa bilionea jijini Arusha, marehemu Erasto Msuya, kuhusu kufutiwa mashitaka ya madai ya kumuua wifi yake, Anethe Msuya yaliyotokea Mei 25, mwaka huu, Kigamboni, Dar.
Uamuzi huo ungetolewa leo lakini kesi imeahirishwa kwa kuwa, Hakimu Mkazi Magreth Bankika anayesikiliza kesi hiyo, hakuwepo mahakamani.
Hakimu Mkazi wa Mahakama ya Kisutu, Victoria Nongwa, alisema kesi ilitajwa kwa ajili ya kutolewa uamuzi lakini hakimu anayeisikiliza hakuwepo hivyo uamuzi utatolewa Desemba 8, mwaka huu.
Jiji la Mbeya ni la pili kwa wingi wa madhehebu barani Afrika likiongozwa na Lagos lililopo Nigeria.
Jiji la Mbeya ni la pili kwa wingi wa madhehebu barani Afrika likiongozwa na Lagos lililopo Nigeria. Kwa mujibu wa Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Mbeya, Paul Ntinika, jiji hilo lina makanisa 450 na Mtaa wa Sae pekee una madhehebu tisa huku Mtaa wa Simike ukitajwa kuongoza kwa vituo vya maombezi. Meya wa Jiji la Mbeya, Mchungaji David Mwashilindi ambaye ni kiongozi wa Kanisa la International...
RC Makonda atembelea Uwanja wa Fisi wanapofanya biashara ya ngono....Aahidi Kupavunja na Kujenga Viwanda Vidogovidogo
Jumapili Novemba 27 Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda aliendelea na ziara yake katika maeneo mbalimbali ya jiji la Dar es Salaam akiwa na lengo la kusikiliza kero za wananchi na kuzitatua. Akiwa katika ziara hiyo, Mkuu wa Mkoa alipita katika viunga vya Kata ya Manzese na kutokea sehemu ambapo kula kilabu kinachouza pombe za kienyeji huku watu waliokuwa eneo hilo wakionekana kuwa wamelewa...
Diamond, Ali Kiba, Vanessa Mdee na Navy Kenzo kuwania tuzo Nigeria. Tazama wanaochuana nao
Kituo cha runinga cha Sound City (Sound City Tv) kimetoa orodha ya wasanii na vipingele watakavyowani katika tuzo za Sound City MVP. Kwa upande wa Tanzania, katika tuzo hizo tutawakilishwa na Diamond Platnumz, Ali Kiba, Vanessa Mdee, Navy Kenzo. Diamond yeye anawania tuzo ya Msanii Bora wa Afrika (Best African Of The Year) na Msanii Bora wa Kiume (Best Male), Ali...
Mkuu wa mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda akiangalia mfereji wa Tandale ambao umearibiwa kutokana wananchi ambao wamekuwa wakitupataka katika mfereji huo, leo jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mkuu wa mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda akiteta na Mlemaavu ambaye amemkuta katika eneo la uwanja wa fisi akinywa pombe za kienyeji na kumsihi aache kunywa pombe hizo, leo jijini Dar es Salaam.
Serikali yampokonya Sumaye shamba lake lenye ukubwa wa hekta 33
Waziri Mkuu mstaafu, Frederick Sumaye amepokonywa na Serikali shamba lake lenye ukubwa wa hekta 33 kwa kile kilichoelezwa kushindwa kuliendeleza. Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kinondoni, Ally Hapi amesema kuwa Serikali imefikia uamuzi huo baada ya Sumaye kushindwa kuliendeleza kama notisi ya siku 90 ilivyoeleza. “Oktoba 28, mwaka huu. Rais John Magufuli alibatilisha hati ya kumiliki ardhi ya shamba...
Choo cha Soko la Madenge katika Manispaa ya Temeke jijini Dar es Salaam kikiwa kimeng'olewa milango kutokana na kutokamilika ujenzi wake licha ya manispaa hiyo kutenga sh.milioni 10 za ujenzi.
Mkazi wa Temeke akipita mbele ya choo hicho.
Mwonekano wa moja ya tundu la choo hicho ambacho hakina miundombinu ya mifereji.
Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Dkt. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli akikagua gwaride la heshima linaloundwa na Maafisa Wanafunzi wa Kundi la 59/15 wa Jeshi la Wananchi la Tanzania (JWTZ) kabla hajawatunuku kamisheni katika viwanja vya Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam leo Novemba 26, 2016
Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Dkt. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli akitunuku kamisheni kwa Maafisa Wanafunzi wa Kundi la 59/15 wa Jeshi la Wananchi la Tanzania (JWTZ) katika viwanja vya Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam leo Novemba 26, 2016
Amiri Jeshi Mkuu Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Dkt. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli akiweka saini kwenye hati ya kamisheni kwa Maafisa Wanafunzi wa Kundi la 59/15 wa Jeshi la Wananchi la Tanzania (JWTZ) kabla hajawatunuku katika viwanja vya Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam leo Novemba 26, 2016
Scotland police accused of brutality during protests against removal of Kenyan immigrant
Posted by Jambo
ACTIVISTS have accused officers from Police Scotland of a “brutal response” to protests held against the removal of a Kenyan man by Home Office services in Glasgow.
Last night [Thursday 24 November] a group of campaigners held an emergency demonstration outside the Home Office Scotland branch HQ in Brand Street, at 4.30pm, in response to the detention Robert “Babu” Makutsa.
Despite Police Scotland’s previous assurances that they do not regularly assist the UK Home Office in raids and detentions, protests claim that up to 15 officers were deployed to assist the transfer of Makutsa by van to Dungavel detention centre. The below video from the Unity centre appears to show several Police Scotland officers tussling with protestors.
Speaking to CommonSpace, Polly Urquhart of the Unity Centre, who witnessed the incident, alleged: “A 17 year old girl was grabbed by a much bigger male officer and thrown to the ground. Many others were violently pulled away by the police, pulled and restrained by the hair and the back of their necks, pushed to the ground on numerous occasions.”
Makutsa, who is now in detention, has lived in Glasgow for seven years after completing his studies. As a result of his impending removal from Scotland to Kenya, campaigners say he faces a future of separation from his support network, home and his partner.
Having been detained after a raid, his friends had planned to block the progress of the van taking him to the Dungavel detention facility, which is due to be closed next year. In response to this direct action the police were called and according to the campaigners they then used “disproportionate force” to remove protestors and bystanders at the scene.
Urquhart added: “Following encounters like these, where peaceful protests are met with a disproportionate and aggressive response, we have to question the credibility of Police Scotland and their role as the strong arm of the Home Office. Despite Police Scotland’s claims that they do not work as part of the immigration system, we see time and again that they are on call at every opportunity to defend the racism and brutality of the Home Office.”
Groups such as the Unity Centre, a body providing practical and legal advice for those detained by immigration services, said that they had gained assurances from Police Scotland in a freedom of information request (FoI) that the force does not “routinely attend enforcement visits”. Friends of the detained man expressed their concern that the force used to ensure the van taking Makutsa left for Dungavel was beyond the “reasonable” level stipulated under Section 146 of the Asylum Act 1999.
They stress that this latest use of alleged disproportionate force in aiding Home Office detention shows a credibility gap in what Police Scotland says and how it handles immigration and detention.
In March of this year, Police Scotland used dogs and up to 30 officers to break up another peaceful blockade at Brand Street. Protesters blockaded the Border and Immigration Agency where Beverley Vaanda Kanjii was detained and faced deportation, despite being at risk of persecution in her native Namibia for her sexuality.
When contacted by CommonSpace, a spokesperson from Police Scotland stated that the force had no current comment on the events, but did confirm that one person in the incident. The UK Home Office did not respond when asked for comment on Makutsa’s case.
Dangerously cheap: Kenya’s illegal abortions
Posted by Jambo
Nairobi, Kenya – In the wood-panelled interior of Nairobi‘s High Court, a battle is due to begin on December 15 that will determine whether hundreds of thousands of women each year are committing criminal acts.
The issue of abortion in Kenya has been mired in confusion and contention for the past six years.
In 2010, a new constitution was passed, heralded globally as a progressive foundational document for its principles of gender equality in parliament; freedom of media; and formation of an independent Human Rights and Equality Commission to investigate human rights abuses.
The trouble is that much of what was included has met resistance and debate.
That includes the three provisions that permit abortions where, “in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is a need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.”
Reproductive rights advocates filed a petition against the Ministry of Health and Attorney General last year, alleging a lack of guidelines and policy is putting the health – and lives – of women in danger.
In 2008, the World Health Organization said Eastern and Middle Africa had the highest global rates of unsafe abortions, at 36 per 1,000 reproductive-aged women.
Josephine Mongare, the chair of Kenya’s Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) that led the petition, said how wide the interpretation of “health” is – such as whether it includes emotional or mental health – and what constitutes a “trained health professional” needs guidance.
“This is what the law has not defined and the doctor must make those decisions,” she said. Unlike other jurisdictions with similar laws, there are no further laws, guidelines or policies in place to expand on the succinct constitutional passage.
Religious backlash
The Ministry of Health put out guidelines in 2012 to help doctors determine whether they could legally perform an abortion, before withdrawing them in 2013 after a caustic backlash in this staunchly Christian country.
Father Raphael Wanjohi is the country director of the Kenyan chapter of American Christian anti-abortion rights organisation Human Life International.
He said it was not the place for the Ministry of Health to guide medics on when to terminate a human life, as the church sees abortion – and therefore it was necessary for the guidelines to be retracted.
“Who has given these individuals the right to decide who should die?” said Wanjohi.
The issue of abortion must be decided by all quarters of society, he said, and it is the role of the church to safeguard human life.
“Human life is sacred, that’s what we hold, right from conception until natural death. There is no room for saying so and so should be eliminated or that right should be waived away,” he said.
Among other things, the 2012 guidelines outlined where, how, by whom and under which circumstances an abortion should be performed. Crucially, it also stated that mental health was included in the criteria of ‘health.’
After the retraction, the director of medical services wrote a memo to all health workers directing them not to participate in safe abortion training.
Mongare said that any doctor who performs an abortion assumes a great deal of legal risk, which makes most reluctant to perform the procedure. This, she added, prompts women to turn to dangerous back-alley abortions and witchdoctors.
“People have to look for backstreet medical institutions, those who will not be held accountable by anyone. It’s a statement of fact that women die when abortions are done by unqualified people,” she said.
Coat hangers and knitting needles
Based on 2012 statistics, the Kenya Medical Association (KMA) estimates that nearly 465,000 Kenyan women undergo abortions each year.
Professor Boaz Otieno-Nyunya convenor of the KMA Reproductive Health Committee, estimated more than half of all abortions are performed unsafely, with herbs, coat hangers, spoons, knitting needles and harmful pharmaceuticals.
In the past, criminal cases have been taken against medical professionals who have performed abortions, heightening the need to establish legality around abortion.
According to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics data, between 2011 and 2015 there were 177 cases reported to police against men and women for “procuring abortion” – the offence that both women seeking abortions and medics are generally charged with, though several have been charged with murder.
The FIDA petition wants the court to decide whether the Ministry of Health is failing constitutional duties by having retracted the guidelines.
In February, a High Court judge determined that a bench of three judges should be appointed by the Chief Justice to hear the public interest case – with 17 different social, religious and legal groups lining up to have their say during the case in December.
Human rights NGO, the East African Centre for Law and Justice, which uses legal avenues to advocate for change, is one of those submitters.
Executive director Joy Mdivo said that abortion has no legal force in the country without extra legislation.
“The constitution by definition is framework, it is never policy, it’s never legislation … if you ask me, it should have remained with ‘Everybody has a right to life’. How this is interpreted should be left to our parliament and elected representatives. ”
In Kenya, she added, “personhood” is presumed at conception. That means abortion is choosing one person’s life over another, she said, and should only be done when a mother’s life is in danger.
Mongare, however, said that the constitution is legally binding in itself; a point of constitutional law that will be determined during the December case.
Mongare wants to see abortion legalised so that women can have access to safe abortions conducted by medical professionals without fear of reprisal. Mdivo believes that the best solution is to improve adoption and fostering options so women don’t turn to abortion out of desperation.
What both women can agree on, however, is that the numbers of women undergoing dangerous and unhygienic abortion are too high.
Pregnant and trapped in poverty
It took Phyllis, who declined to give her real name, two weeks to realise that her husband wasn’t coming back to her. He had taken all of their possessions, including her clothes and their marital bed; but left behind a four-year-old daughter and one-year-old son.
“He took everything. He told me we are going back home to the countryside … he was meant to come back for me but he never came [and] I had to remain with the children, struggling.”
With no money, Phyllis, now 35, said she turned to survival sex in exchange for food and shelter in the Nairobi slum where they were living.
“I got a friend who was helping me. He wanted me to have his child and foolishly I was engaging in unprotected sex, hoping not to get pregnant. ”
The man had a wife and family in his hometown but Phyllis felt unable to refuse his sexual demands – she needed him.
Five months pregnant and scared, Phyllis found a woman inside the slum who said she could terminate her pregnancy.
She arrived at a makeshift clinic in the woman’s brother’s shanty house early one morning.
Several hours after the abortion, which she was awake for but has no idea how it was performed, she was struck by stomach cramps and heavy bleeding that lasted for days. During this time she was in fits of tears and couldn’t eat.
What followed was a month of light bleeding, then months more of unpleasant-smelling discharge that only stopped once she visited a doctor outside the slum.
Her relationship soon dissolved and Phyllis took a vow of abstinence for another year until she had unprotected sex with another man.
This led to another abortion in her slum, though this time she had an uncomplicated procedure.
Phyllis said she never considered she could die from an abortion; but the danger is real.
Otieno-Nyunya said unsafe abortion is the single leading cause of maternal death.
“A third of maternal deaths, 2,000 or so deaths, that occur every year can be tracked to abortion and abortion complications,” he said.
At 15, Mary was unaware both of the risks of unprotected sex and unsafe abortion. She was persuaded to have sex with her boyfriend, who promised her “heaven and earth,” to sleep with him.
But then, “I told him ‘I’m pregnant.’ and he rejected me.”
With her boyfriend refusing to marry her, Mary visited a local witch doctor in Nairobi‘s urban slum Mathare where she lives. On three separate visits the man administered various concoctions made from herbal leaves and eggs, but nothing happened.
“My stomach grew big and [I worried] my mum would beat me.”
She visited a local pharmacist who gave her abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals. This time it worked – but left her bed-ridden with spot bleeding for two months and led to her dropping out of school.
She now has a baby with another man, who has since left her, but still lives with regret about the choice she made at a tender age.
“I was very young, but I’m always depressed when I think of it. If I had a second thought, I would have kept the baby. But I only had one thought: to take out the baby because the man rejected me, my mum doesn’t know I’m pregnant, where will I end up? Instead of killing myself I decided to kill the baby,” said Mary.
Safety comes at a price
Otieno-Nyunya said women from the poorest communities are most adversely affected.
“That’s a major part of it globally. Abortion is a class [battle].
“Even in countries where abortion is completely illegal, people go across borders if they have means while, more locally, somebody who has the money will go to a private facility and get a safe abortion. But a woman who cannot afford this will suffer the consequences of unsafe abortion.”
For wealthy Kenyans, certain private clinics where doctors are happy to take on the legal uncertainty are an option.
Safe abortions at clinics can cost about 20,000 Kenyan shillings ($200), whereas unsafe abortions are roughly a tenth of that price and payments can be made in instalments. It is not uncommon for household goods, such as televisions, to be included in those payments.
In her slum, Phyllis estimates that there are more than 50 corrugated iron “abortion clinics” for a population of about 100,000.
She said one major obstacle to addressing the issue is a lack of knowledge, access and acceptance of modern contraceptive methods.
Now a reproductive health campaigner in her community, Phyllis has heard countless tales of women hiding contraceptive pills from husbands under the stove, a place many Kenyan men typically don’t go near.
“There are myths that women using family planning are cold in bed, they don’t like sex, the men cannot enjoy having sex with the women.”
But many men will also run away from a wife if she has too many children, she said.
“The challenges I’ve gone through have made me a strong woman. I don’t want women to suffer, I want them to stand by themselves. I want a society where a woman can speak and be heard.”
Source: Al Jazeera
Abiria Waaswa Kutoa Taarifa Kuhusu Madereva Wanaovunja Sheria
Naibu Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani, Mhandisi, Hamadi Masauni akijiandaa kukata utepe kama ishara ya uzinduzi wa kampeni hiyo.
Masauni na Mpinga wakitoa vipeperushi ndani ya moja ya mabasi ya kuelekea mikoani katika stendi ya Ubungo Dar.
Kamanda wa Kikosi cha Usalama Barabarani , Naibu Kamishina wa Jeshi la Polisi (DCP), Mohamed Mpinga akiangalia mikanda ya kufunga abiria.
KUELEKEA kipindi cha Sikukuu za Krismasi na Mwaka Mpya madereva wameaswa kuzingatia sheria za usalama barabarani ili kupunguza ajali na abiria kutoa taarifa kwa wanaokiuka sheria hizo kwa kutoa taarifa kwa wakati.
Hayo ameyasema leo Naibu Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani, Mhandisi, Hamadi Masauni wakati wa uzinduzi wa Kampeni ya ‘Paza Sauti’ iliyoratibiwa na Mabalozi wa Usalama Babarani RSA Tanzania katika Kituo cha mabasi ya mikoani Ubungo Dar.
Akifafanua alisema, kila mtu anawajibu wa kutoa taarifa dhidi ya dereva anayehatarisha maisha katika vyombo vya usafiri.
“Dereva kutokujua sheria za usalama barabarani isiwe kigezo cha kuvunja sheria zilizowekwa kwani waathirika wakubwa wa ajali ni Watanzania ambao ndiyo nguvu kazi ya kesho,”alisema Masauni.
Aidha aliendelea kufafanua kuwa, kampeni hiyo italeta matokeo chanya ambayo yataonyesha kupungua kwa ajali au kutokuwepo kabisa na kufanya Watanzania kuwa salama.
Naye Kamanda wa Kikosi cha Usalama Barabarani, Naibu Kamishina wa Jeshi la Polisi (DCP), Mohamed Mpinga amesema, kampeni iliyozinduliwa ni jitihada za kikosi cha usalama barabarani katika kupambana na ajali pamoja na kuongeza askari kila sehemu ambayo dereva wamekuwa wakikiuka sheria za usalama barabarani.
Amesema abiria wanatakiwa kuwa chachu ya kutoa taarifa za uvunjifu wa sheria za usalama barabarani kwa madereva ili waweze kuchukuliwa hatua kali.
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