Ebola vaccine is 'potential game-changer'

Man being vaccinated
A vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus has led to 100% protection and could transform the way Ebola is tackled, preliminary results suggest.



Pichani juu na chini ni muonekano wa Gari maalum la kukodisha kwa ajili ya shughuli za kubebea majeneza katika misiba limeingia nchini.
Kwa wanaohitaji kukodi kwa shughuli za misiba wanaweza kuwasiliana kupitia barua pepe kiwiaadavidson@hotmail.com au simu namba +255 715 213213, +255 713 616606 na +255 784616606
Muonekano wa ndani sehemu maalum linapowekwa jeneza.

Kichupa cha leo Ocean band Kigube Directed by Apollo jazz

How a Person's Body Reacts over One Hour to One Can of Coca-Cola


A viral graphic reportedly shows the effects one can of Coca-Cola has on a person’s body over one hour.
The graphic, titled “What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke,” was first posted by The Renegade Pharmacist. It claims to detail what happens to the body after 10, 20, 40, 45 and 60 minutes.


Leo tunaye msanii wa filamu za Kibongo, Wema Sepetu ambaye hivi karibuni alithubutu kugombea ubunge kupitia viti maalum mkoani Singida.Kwa bahati mbaya kura za msanii huyu hazikutosha.
Mwandishi wetu alionana na mwanadada huyo nyumbani kwake Kijitonyama jijini Dar na kumpiga maswali 10 mujarabu. Ungana nami......Soma zaidi===>http://bit.ly/1KD9sTk


Musa mateja
DAH! Wakati mashabiki wake wakiamini si mtu wa ‘kurukaruka’ kivile, muigizaji mwenye mvuto wa aina yake Bongo Movies, Yobnesh Yussuph ‘Batuli’ amekwaa aibu baada ya picha zake zikimuonesha akiwa kimahaba chumbani na mchekeshaji Stan Bakora kuvuja, Ijumaa linakupa mchapo kamili. ...Soma zaidi===>http://bit.ly/1Ubl7KZ


Kampala, Uganda
Wakati staa wa Bongo Fleva, Nasibu Abdul ‘Diamond Platnumz’ akisubiri mwandani wake, Zarinah Hassan ‘Zari The Boss Lady’ ajifungue mtoto wa kike ‘taimu’ yoyote kutoka sasa, aliyekuwa mume wa mwanamama huyo, tajiri Ivan Ssemwanga anadaiwa kubambikiwa mimba na mtangazaji wa runinga aitwaye Doreen Kumhangi, Ijumaa limeidaka.  ....Soma zaidi===>http://bit.ly/1LUhLsE

BASATA imemfungia Shilole Mwaka Mmoja, Hakuna Kufanya Muziki

Baraza la sanaa Tanzania (BASATA) limemfungia mwanamuziki Zuwena Mohamed ‘Shilole” kutojihusisha na kazi yoyote ya sanaa kwa muda wa mwaka mmoja kutokana na kukiuka sheria na maadili.    Barua ya  BASATA  imesomeka  hivi “Tarehe 9 May 2015 ukiwa katika onyesho lako la muziki Ubelgiji ulicheza uchi mbele ya hadhira ya wapenda sanaa za Tanzania hivyo kudhalilisha...
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ichupa cha leo Galatone | Sina Mali | Official Music Video


Hatimaye staa wa Bongo Fleva ambaye ni zao la Nyumba ya Vipaji Tanzania (THT), Esterlina Sanga ‘Linah’ amechumbiwa rasmi na yule jamaa wake, Wiliam Bugene ‘Boss Mtoto’ ambaye ni kaka kiukoo wa mpenzi wa mwanamuziki Nasibu Abdul ‘Diamond Platnumz’, Zarinah Hassan ‘Zari The Boss Lady.’ ...Soma zaidi===>http://bit.ly/1Sja1WK


Brighton Masalu
Mwigizaji wa filamu za Kibongo, zao la Kundi la Kaole, Nuru Nassoro ‘Nora’ amesema kwa sasa hafikirii tena kuingia kwenye uhusiano wa mapenzi na kwamba anaamua kuelekeza nguvu na akili zote kwenye kazi.
Nora ameliambia Amani kwamba, ameamua kuwa hivyo baada ya kuambulia maumivu mara nyingi katika mapenzi, jambo ambalo limechangia kumdidimiza kisanii.“Sitaki tena kusikia habari za mapenzi, kwa sasa naelekeza nguvu zote kwenye kazi tu,” alisema Nora.  ....Soma zaidi===>http://bit.ly/1Itefoi

Wakamatwa Coco Beach Wakifanya ngono

Wakamatwa Coco Beach Wakifanya ngono

NI aibu sana! Ndivyo unavyoweza kusema juu ya Oparesheni ya Fichua Maovu iliyosimamiwa na Kamanda wa Polisi Wilaya ya Kinondoni, jijini Dar, OCD Wilbroad Mutafungwa na Ofisa wa Oparesheni, Inspekta Jacob Swai kwa kushirikiana na Global Publishers iliyonasa wanawake wanaojishughulisha...



    Wajumbe mimi ni mwanaume mwenye umri wa miaka 33 Ni Mwajiriwa wa Serikali, nimeoa na nina mtoto wa kiume mwenye umri wa miaka 3. Licha ya kwamba niko kwenye ndoa, lakini ilitokea siku moja asubuhi nikiwa barabarani na gari langu nikitokea nyumbani kwangu Mitaa ya Kihonda Magorofani nikielekea kazini...

    Nimetembea na mke wa boss na kapata ujauzito.

    Mimi ni dereva namuendesha mke wa boss wangu.   Toka nimeanza kazi hii yapata mwaka mmoja sasa mke wa boss alianza mitego nikawa namvumilia, kuna siku tulisafiri kwenda Mtwara kwenye biashara za huyu mama, kufika kule yule mama alilipia chumba kimoja tu nakuniambia tutalala wote na nikikataa.

    Kamatakamata wanawake wanaojiuza maeneo ya Sinza

    Mgambo wa jiji la Dar es Salaam wakiwa katika zoezi la kuwakamata Madada wanaofanya biashara ya kuuza miili yao wajulikanao kama Machangudoa katika eneo la Sinza. Picha mbalimbali zikionyesha namna walivyokuwa wakipakiwa ndani ya Gari tayari kwa kupelekwa katika vyombo vya sheria Changudoa...

      Msanii Hafsa Kazinja aokoka baada ya kukutana na mauzauza jukwaani

      MWANAMUZIKI aliyeamua kumgeukia Mungu na kuokoka, Hafsa Kazinja amefunguka kuwa alikuwa akiteswa na mauzauza ya kishirikina pindi alipokuwa katika majukwaa akiimba Bongo Fleva. Akipiga stori na paparazi wa Udaku Specially , Hafsa alisema alikumbana na mambo mengi sana ya ajabu ikiwemo kuona majoka...

        Wema Sepetu: Ningekuwa na uwezo wa kuzaa ningekuwa nimezaa muda mrefu sana

        Mrembo mwenye ushawishi mkubwa zaidi kwenye social media hapa Bongo, ambaye alishawahi kujinyakulia taji kubwa zaidi la ulimbwende hapa Bongo bibie Wema Sepetu ameandika maneno mazito sana kwenye mtandao maarufu wa Instagram ambayo yamevuta hisia za watu mbali mbali wakiwemo ma superstar wengine ndani...

                    Mtandao wa BADOO unanivunjia uchumba wangu

          Nina mchumba wangu tupo kwenye mahusiano kama mwaka sasa unafika na soon tulikuwa tunasubiri jambo fulani ili mwezi wa 11 tufunge ndoa, kimsingi tunapendana sana, sijawahi hata siku moja ku-notice jambo lolote baya kati yetu linaloweza kuleta labda ugomvi na kutokuelewana, tupo vizuri na tunafuraha...


          Haruni Sanchawa Makongoro Oging’
          Jamaa aliyewahi kudaiwa kuwa karibu na mwigizaji Wema Sepetu anayejulikana kwa jina la Clement Mwankayi Kiondo ‘CK’ au Kigogo wa Wema na mwenzake, Emmanuel Kagondela wamepandishwa kortini kwa mashitaka mawili ya kughushi hundi kisha kuchota fedha.
          Clement Mwankayi Kiondo ‘CK’ akiwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa polisi.
          Wawili hao walipandishwa kizimbani juzi (Alhamisi) katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu jijini Dar.
          Katika kosa la kwanza, CK alidaiwa kutenda kosa la kughushi hundi no 302002 yenye thamani ya zaidi ya Sh. milioni 100 kutoka kwenye Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu huku akijua kuwa ni kosa kisheria.
          Katika kosa la pili, CK ambaye aliwahi kudaiwa kumgombanisha Wema na Kajala Masanja kwa pamoja na Emmanuel, mnamo Machi 13, 2014 walikula njama za kuiba kiasi cha Sh. milioni 100 katika Benki ya NBC, Tawi la Ilala jijini Dar.
          Kesi hiyo ambayo ilisikilizwa mbele ya Hakimu Huruma Shahid na Wakili wa Serikali, Aloyce Mbumito, ilidaiwa  mnamo Machi, 2014 kwa nyakati tofauti, jamaa hao walitumiwa kughushi hundi kwenye ofisi hiyo ya Waziri Mkuu.
          Katika kujibu tuhuma hizo, washitakiwa wote kwa pamoja  walikana mashitaka na kesi hiyo iliahirishwa hadi Julai 23, mwaka huu.
          Katika kesi hiyo watuhumiwa hao walipaswa kuwa na wadhamini wawili-wawili wanaotambulika na kiasi cha Sh. milioni 10 kila mmoja kwa ajili ya kupatiwa dhamana.

          US President Barack Obama to Visit Kenya for Three Days, Officials Say

          US President Barack Obama to Visit Kenya for Three Days, Officials Say

          UShttp://www.mwakilishi.com/content/articles/2015/07/08/us-president-barack-obama-to-visit-kenya-for-three-days-officials-say.html President Barack Obama to Visit Kenya for Three Days, Officials Say





          What is the UN Young Professionals Programme?
          The Young Professionals Programme (YPP) is a recruitment initiative for talented, highly qualified professionals to start a career as an international civil servant with the United Nations Secretariat. It consists of an entrance examination and professional development programmes once successful candidates start their career with the UN.
          Who can apply?
          Any Citizen of the United   Republic of Tanzania is eligible to apply and participate in this year’s program me. Successfully   candidates   will have to   attend an annual recruitment TYPP examination   which is held once a year. Tanzania is among the participating countries in this exercise.
          Basic application criteria:
          1.      You must  be a Tanzanian Citizen
          2.      You must be a holder of a University Degree relevant for the job entry you are applying for.
          3.      You must be 32 or younger by the end of the examination date ( 15 December 2015)

          4.       Fluent in  either  English or French
          What you need to do
          Interested   applicant   should Visit   a link bellow for further detailed instruction including a creation of a personal profile for your applicationhttps:/careers.un.org/lbw/home.aspx?viewtype=NCE&lang=en-US
          The opportunities   are open from May to December,  on the following schedule.
          May-July:                                           Administration and Finance
          July-October:                                                Legal Affairs and Public Information
          October-December:                         Social Affairs and Statistics
          Interested Candidates must apply ONLY ONCE in the area of your qualification/choice.
          The Examination centers
           The Center for Foreign Relations (CFR)   at Kurasini   Dar Es Salaam has been designated as the examination center for Tanzanians and other eligible candidates.  Examination will be held    the  15th December, 2015. Tanzanians living abroad can also participate in the examinations centers that are open in other countries. Visit the YPP page regularly for updates.

          Tanzanians with questions can visit the YPP home page above or email you question  to one of these the emails.ypptanzania@gmail.com  and gkilave@yahoo.com

          Tanzanian Women That Men Should Avoid Marrying At All

          (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   #1. The High Maintenance Chick If this type of woman breaks a nail, she expects you to drop everything you’re doing to drive her to the salon immediately.    Her daddy always told her she was a princess and she expects to be treated like one at all times. She has expensive taste and expects you to shower her...
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          Rais wa Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza Ashitakiwa Mahakamani Jijini Arusha Kwa Kukiuka Katiba Ya Nchi Hiyo

          Rais wa Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza ameshitakiwa katika Mahakama ya Afrika Mashariki iliyopo jijini Arusha kutokana na hatua yake inayotajwa kukiuka Katiba ya nchi hiyo kwa kuwania kipindi cha tatu cha Urais.   Kesi hiyo pia inamjumuisha Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Burundi, Tume ya Kitaifa ya Uchaguzi kwa nchi ya Burundi pamoja na Katibu Mkuu wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki kwa mujibu wa taarifa...
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          Diamond: Hakuna msanii ambaye nimewahi kumlipa wala yeye kunilipa kufanya collabo

          Diamond Platnumz amesema kuwa ameshafanya collabo na wasanii A-list karibu wote wanaofanya vizuri Afrika, lakini hakuna hata mmoja ambaye amewahi kumlipa wala wao kumlipa kwaajili ya collabo hizo. “Nimefanya collabo na wasanii tofauti tofauti, karibuni A-list wote ya wanaofanya vizuri Afrika nimeshafanya nao.” Alisema kupitia XXL ya Clouds Fm.   Ameongeza kuwa mwanzoni haikuwa rahisi...
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          Two former cabinet ministers jailed three years Both convicts to appeal ruling


          7th July 2015
          JAILED: Former senior cabinet ministers Basil Pesambili Mramba (75) (R) and Daniel Yona (74) board a police van heading to prison after the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar es Salaam handed them jail sentences yesterday. (Photo: Tryphone Mweji)
           Two former cabinet ministers were yesterday sentenced to three years in jail
          for abuse of office and occasioning loss of 11.7bn/- to the government.
          The Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar es Salaam handed the sentence to 
          Basil Mramba, the former Minister of Finance and Daniel Yona, the former 
          Energy and Minerals Minister. 
          The two served under retired President Benjamin Mkapa and were found guilty of 
          occasioning the government an 11,752,350,148/- loss through unwarranted tax 
          exemptions to the gold assayers firm, Alex Stewart Government Business 
          The court acquitted former Permanent Secretary to the Treasury after the 
          prosecution failed to prove the charges levied against him beyond reasonable 
          doubt despite its 13 witnesses and exhibits.
          Mramba and Yona were found guilty by two members of a three judge panel. The 
          leader of the panel John Utamwa was in favour of the accused however his 
          decision was overwhelmed by the majority of two, Judge Sam Rumanyika and Saul 
          Kinemela who found the accused guilty as charged.
          The judges found Mramba guilty and convicted him for all 11 counts. He had 
          been charged with 10 counts relating to abuse of office and one count of 
          occasioning loss to the government. In each count, he was sentenced to three 
          years in jail for each offence to be served concurrently.
          On the another hand Yona, was found guilty and convicted of four counts 
          relating to abuse of office and one count of occasioning loss to the 
          government and was sentenced to three years in jail for each count also to be 
          served concurrently. 
          On the count of ‘Occasioning loss to the government’ the convicts were 
          sentenced to pay a fine of five million or serve three years in jail.
          Reading the ruling, judge Rumanyika said the court is of the view that the 
          then President Benjamin Mkapa did not direct the convicts to engage Alex 
          Steward Assayers without following due procedure as the convicts had claimed. 
          He said Government Notices that were granted by Mramba for tax exceptions were 
          arbitrarily issued in total disregard of advice given by the Attorney General 
          (AG) and officers from the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and as a result 
          led to the pecuniary loss.
          Leader of the panel, Judge John Utamwa differed with the other two and gave a 
          dissenting judgment.
          Defence advocate Peter Swai (for Mramba) told The Guardian that he would 
          appeal to the High Court against both convictions and sentences. Likewise, 
          Yona’s Counsel Elisa Msuya expressed similar sentiments saying he is not 
          satisfied by the judgment of the court.
          Before the ruling, the prosecution led by Principal State Attorney Tumaini 
          Kweka informed the court that despite the fact that the convicts do not have 
          any previous criminal records, the court should impose the toughest sentence 
          possible in accordance to the law so as to serve as a lesson to other public 
          During Mitigation, advocates Swai and Msuya, requested the court to be lenient 
          considering the elderly age of the accused citing that Mramba is 75 years old 
          and Yona 76 years old.
          The advocates submitted that the health condition of their clients is fragile 
          and as a result they had even frequently sought permission of the court to go 
          to India for treatment during the course of the case.
          According to the prosecution, it was alleged that the two former ministers 
          committed the offences between August 2002 and June 14, 2004, in Dar es 
          Salaam. The prosecution alleged and finally proved that, by giving 
          preferential treatments to M/S Alex Stewart (Assayers) Government Business 
          Corporation the accused occasioned the government the loss of11,752,350,148/- 
          The accused are charged with failing to take reasonable care to discharge 
          their duties by unjustifiably signing Government Notices that led to the loss 
          of the said amount.
          The case was instituted following three years of investigations by the 
          Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and the police into the 
          suspicious hiring of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Government Business Corporation 
          (ASA) to audit gold production in Tanzania.
           Immediately after delivery of the judgment, some close relatives for the 
          convicts broke into tears and at least one of them had to be assisted out of 
          the court room.
          In 2003, Alex Stewart (Assayers) was controversially assigned a contract which 
          saw it receive a whopping 65bn/- (USD 50 million) in gold audit fees. It 
          completed the assignment and left the country in August 2007 after it had 
          enjoyed an average of 1.3bn/- (USD1 million) every month from June 2003 to 
          August 2007.


          Mkanda alioshinda Maywether baada ya kumchapa Mfilipino Manny Pacquiao.
          ....Wakizichapa na Pacquiao.
          Bondia Bingwa wa dunia wa uzani wa Welter, Floyd Mayweather amepokonywa mkanda alioutwaa baada ya kumchapa Mfilipino Manny Pacquiao mwezi Mei mwaka huu.
          Mmarekani huyo mwenye umri wa miaka 38 anadaiwa kushindwa kuilipa shirikisho la ndondi la WBO ada ya dola laki…